Introduction of Rachel Ma

Rachel Ma is a Chinese Australian who has lived in Sydney, New South Wales for more than twenty years. She is the founder and director of, an online marketplace for Australian property sales and rentals. Since 2020, she has taken on the roles of Founder and Chief Technology Officer of, a Chinese iconography website which specialises in explaining the meanings of traditional Chinese motifs, symbols and pun rebuses, as well as unlocking mysterious figures and story scenes on Chinese antiques, and aims to promote Chinese art and culture to the world.
Rachel has a variety of interests in arts and science. She has a medical as well as an educational background. Holding a medical degree from Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University and a Master of Education degree from the University of Technology Sydney, Rachel has been a Clinical Lecturer for the University of Sydney for seven years, and the Course Convenor/ Executive Committee member of a health professional training organisation endorsed by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) for fifteen years.
Rachel is also an accredited simulation instructor by the Centre for Medical Simulation, Harvard Medical School and an endorsed Advanced Life Support Provider by Australian Resuscitation Council. Rachel has been a lecturer of the International Faculty for the Paediatric Sedation outside of the Operating Room by Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital. She has also given presentations in various national and international dental anaesthesiology conferences.