Bodhisattva and Yongzheng Beauty

After COVID-19 pandemic was well controlled in China in July 2020 since its outbreak in January, the renowned artist Alicia Yuhong Wang 王煜宏 produced this oil painting on canvas, 今日随申码 / 胤禛美人图(雍正十二美人图), in memory of the tens of thousands of people whose lives were taken during the health crisis to mankind.

今日随申码 / 胤禛美人图 Bodhisattva and Yongzheng Beauty, oil on canvas, 110 x 66 cm, by Alicia Yuhong Wang

The Bodhisattva is a goddess in Oriental culture for praying and protecting people from misfortune. In this painting, Wang has arranged it cleverly with the candle stands which are used in Western culture for similar purposes.

今日随申码 / 胤禛美人图 Bodhisattva and Yongzheng Beauty by Yuhong Wang

今日随申码 / 胤禛美人图 Bodhisattva and Yongzheng Beauty by 王煜宏

The female figure in blue was to project the beauty in one of the famous Yinzhen Beauties 胤禛美人图 (some called Yongzheng Twelve Beauties 雍正十二美人图) painted in the Qing dynasty. It is also to set as a complement to the Bodhisattva which is the feature figure in the centre of the painting.

今日随申码 / 胤禛美人图 (雍正十二美人图),油画 王煜宏

Yuhong Wang is famous for painting Chinese antiques in combination with modern household items. In this 110 x 60 cm art piece, the details of the semi-transparent jade Bodhisattva, still life fruits, shiny glass cover, and a portrait of one of the twelve famous beauties in early Qing dynasty, are amazingly lifelike and arranged in contrast.

今日随申码 / 胤禛美人图 (雍正十二美人图) 局部 油画 王煜宏

今日随申码 / 胤禛美人图 (雍正十二美人图),布面油画 王煜宏

今日随申码 / 胤禛美人图 (雍正十二美人图) 布面油画 局部 Yuhong Wang


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