Chinese Cultural Relic Exhibition in Sydney 2023

Zhenyatang 珍雅堂 Australia, a Chinese-Australian antique centre in Sydney, is scheduled to hold an exhibition of Chinese cultural relics at the Chinese Cultural Centre (NSW) in Sydney on 9 Sept – 19 Sept 2023. Zhenyatang has previously held two successful exhibitions in Sydney – ‘Ancient Chinese Ceramics in the Past Dynasties’ at the Chinese Cultural Centre in June 2013, and ‘Chinese Cultural Relics in the Tang Dynasty’ in March 2015. The upcoming exhibition named as ‘Qin Bricks, Han Tiles, and Rubbings’ (中国文物展 – 秦砖 · 汉瓦 · 拓片) will display bricks, roof tiles, and stone carvings that have a history of 2,000 years and reflect ancient artistic paintings and valuable sculpturing techniques. The rubbings on display were made via Chuanta 传拓 craft, a traditional Chinese copying technique of more than one thousand years.
The exhibits include around 150 pieces of exquisite portrait bricks and text bricks from Han Dynasty, figural brick statues from Song Dynasty, tiles and stone carvings of different dynasties, and their related rubbings.
The bricks, tiles and rubbings have recorded life, religion, work and politics of ancient China during Qin and Han dynasties. The historical treasures will be introduced both in Chinese and English and will help the viewers to understand China’s long-standing and extensive culture more deeply. The exhibition will enhance cultural exchanges between China and the West, and contribute to the revival of Sino-Australian cultural exchanges.
On the opening day of the exhibition, there will be bilingual introductions of the exhibits. There will also be a live demonstration of traditional Chinese rubbing skills. The rubbing works will be presented as gifts after being signed by a famous Australian calligrapher.
澳洲珍雅堂继2013年6月首次在悉尼中华文化中心成功举办了《历代中国古陶瓷》展览,并于2015年3月再次成功举办的《汉风盛唐》中国文物展后,现定于2023年9月9日 – 2023年9月19日在悉尼中华文化中心再次举办《秦砖·汉瓦·拓片》中国文物展,展出距今已有两千年历史、能充分体现古代绘画和雕塑艺术高度结合的珍品 – 秦砖、汉瓦、石雕像,以及具有一千多年中国传统的复印技艺 – 传拓工艺所制作的拓片。
展览中会分别用中、英文介绍各样展品,让更多的海外华人,外国友人以及收藏爱好者, 通过观看展览,近距离接触秦砖、汉瓦、拓片这些记录了中国古代政治、信仰、劳作和生活等方面的历史珍品,可以更加深入地了解中国悠久博大的华夏文化,增进中西方的文化交流,为正在复苏的中澳文化交流略尽绵力。
杨文超 (Yang) 0468-360-608
吴卓贤 (Kerry) 0401-929-513
刘 钢 (Gang) 0410-099-188
(澳洲珍雅堂是由一群热衷于研究、了解、传播中国传统文化的收藏爱好者组成,旨在让更多海外华人、国外友人更深入的了解源远流长的中华文化, 更好的促进中西文化交流。)
Zhenyatang owner and exhibition curator Yang Wenchao (right) and Tutuhaoyi Editor Rachel Ma, photo taken at the L & M’s Emporium Antique Shop, Sydney
Exhibition notes from Larry Lucas and Allan Rae
My colleague, Allan Rae and I are pleased to be able to support the Exhibition of Han to Tang and Liao stone carvings, bricks, roof tiles and rubbings.
Having viewed many of the exhibits we are very pleased that such an innovative exhibition will give people in Sydney, Australia a chance to both view beautiful and interesting pieces and have a chance to understand the historical importance of the pieces on view. As far as I am aware, this is the first time such a wide-ranging exhibition has taken place in Australia outside of a large museum. As Allan and I know as co-founders of the Asian Arts Institute of Australia it requires a great deal of effort, persistence, and skills to gather together such a fine collection as this and to research and display the pieces.
Spanning from the Han Dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE) to the Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE) and the Liao Dynasty (907–1125 CE), this collection offers a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of Chinese art and craftsmanship. The Han Dynasty, known as a golden age of artistic expression, witnessed the emergence of intricate stone carvings and architectural embellishments that adorned temples, palaces, and tombs.
The exhibition showcases a remarkable collection of bricks and roof tiles, which were vital elements in Chinese architecture. These pieces not only served as functional components but also offered an artistic platform for creativity. Adorned with ornate motifs, intricate patterns, and graceful calligraphy, these artifacts provide a glimpse into the architectural splendour of the time.
Additionally, rubbings, a traditional technique of reproducing inscriptions and designs from stone and ceramic, further enrich the exhibition. These rubbings offer a unique opportunity to explore ancient texts, calligraphy, and decorative patterns that have been preserved through the ages.
We hope you enjoy discovering the stories engraved in stone, bricks, roof tiles, and rubbings as well as appreciate their beauty and craftsmanship.
— Larry Lucas
Sydney, Australia June 2023
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